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Customer Testimonials

“You are amazing, thank you so much!!!!  You definitely know how to develop loyal customers!”
~Katie, SC

“I’m so glad I found your site.  I love your clothes!”
~Kristin, SC

"Thanks for the wonderful customer service! Will be shopping with Madison-Drake again soon :)"
~Margeaux, LA

“I LOVE, LOVE all the sweet things I ordered for my daughter. I was amazed at how fast everything arrived. I will be sharing your site with my friends.”
~Betsy, MS

“I just wanted to let you know that I received my package today and I love it all!!! I buy a lot over the Internet–either through Facebook or other online retailers and I have never received such a well-packaged order!!  I love how each item was carefully put into its own plastic bag and then the notes that were left describing the items and your policy, a thank you note…I must say it was a “pretty” package and so much fun to open!! Not to mention it arrived in only 2 days…you guys rock!”
~Allison, TN

“Thank you so much for your help & staying in touch! You are the best store owner I’ve found! I have definitely passed the word along about you!”
~Kelsey, TN

“I want to send a very special thanks for all of your help in locating the Le’ Za Me smocked dress for me. It actually already arrived- ONE DAY after ordering it from you!!! I honestly can’t express my sincerest thank you’s nearly enough. Your customer service was EXCELLENT and I truly appreciate you actually making an effort instead of just blowing me off like every other store I called did. I know it seemed like a small gesture to you, but it was something very important to me and for that I am so grateful. I am now a loyal customer- even if it means ordering online instead of shopping locally. You’ve never even met me and took time out of your busy day to try and accommodate me;  my local boutique that I frequent wouldn’t even attempt at calling the factory. Thank you again, and I can’t wait to see your new fall arrivals!!”
~Amanda, LA

“Just received my first order of infant clothing from your store. Absolutely beautiful and the quality is exceptional. Better than some of the Beverly Hills stores I frequent. Looking forward to my next order for our 3 month old daughter.”
~Brenda, CA

“Your service is so appreciated!!  Thank you.”
~Lauren, PA

“I love shopping with you, great customer service!”
~Amy, AL

“I received my dresses and absolutely love them!  Thank you for the great customer service.”
~Kaci, LA

“I appreciate the customer service and the ability to pick up the phone and talk to someone who could fix my problem. I can’t do that on most internet sites!”
~Allison, IL

“I just wanted to say how pleased I am with my first purchase.  The prices were great & the shipping was so fast.  The free shipping is what sealed the deal for me!  I shop all over the internet & few places offer free shipping.  Once I saw that on your page, I knew I would order something just because of that.  Thank you & I look forward to buying from your page again.”
~Danielle, GA